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Low Traffic Neighbourhood webinar - Monday 15th February

Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, one of our asks, have been in the news a lot recently, with both good and bad publicity and a lot of commentary (some objective, some not). Westminster dipped its toe into the water with the Hyde Park Estate LTN, which despite a promising start didn’t make it past the drawing board. We therefore thought this would be a great opportunity to hold our first ever webinar on LTNs on February 15th at 6pm. This is aimed at anyone in Westminster who has an interest, be they residents, businesses or employees.

We’ll have an engaging presentation on LTNs led by Clare Rogers as well as a diverse panel, including the Chair of London Living Streets, ready to answer any tricky questions or stimulating debate.

Let us know if you’ll be attending by emailing info@westminsterstreets.org.uk and save the date for February 15th, 6pm!

You can find a flyer at this link.