Our top 5 priorities for Paddington Places
We recently wrote about Westminster Council's exciting Paddington Places project which aims to transform the area around the Westway and improve conditions for those walking and cycling in, through, and around the area.
We invited you to give us your ideas on an interactive map. As a result of this feedback and having scoped the area ourselves we are pleased to present what we consider to be the top 5 priorities for the project. We have now sent these to the Council as well as other key stakeholders in the area.
What do you think of the ideas yourself? Whilst it's too late now to respond to the Council's initial consultation, it's not too late to write to your local Ward councillors if you think these ideas are worthy of consideration. Please do let us know your thoughts!
The top 5
We have published the top 5 as a PDF available at this link (15MB download).

What happens next?
Using feedback from the consultation, as well as its own information from site visits, the Council are now working to produce a set of proposals for the area.
These will likely start with some "quick wins" that can be implemented fairly easily, with some other considerations for the longer term. We look forward to seeing details of these proposals and hope that we can experience some meaningful change to the area to make it much more attractive for visitors and residents alike.