Our asks for Climate Safe Streets

Along with a number of other Westminster groups, we’re calling on the next leader of the council to make an urgent commitment to deliver #ClimateSafeStreets. Please email the candidates for leader today and urge them to play their part in tackling the climate crisis.
2022’s council elections are a vital point in London’s zero-carbon journey. Motor vehicles are the largest and most stubborn source of London’s emissions, and borough councils control 95% of the city’s roads. We need all our councils to act in the next four years and be bold – or it’ll be too late to get to zero carbon roads by 2030. That’s what’s needed for London and Westminster to do their bit. That’s why we’re calling on the council’s next leader to commit to cutting road transport emissions fast and enabling lots more walking, cycling and wheeling.
Current pledges
The current status of Westminster political parties who have made the pledge is as follows:
Westminster Conservatives: not yet pledged
Westminster Labour: pledged. Councillor Adam Hug says: “Westminster Labour is pleased to support the Climate Safe Streets campaign ahead of the 2022 Local Council Elections. Labour is committed to building a fairer Westminster that tackles the climate emergency, creates more new green spaces and incorporates the principles of ‘15-minute neighbourhoods’ into reinvigorating our local high streets and communities. Despite currently being in opposition Westminster Labour has led the way in recent years on getting cycle hangers, expanding the Santander Cycle network and on safer junctions in our city but we could do much more to create a cleaner, greener Westminster if we win on 5th May.”
Westminster Liberal Democrats: pledged.
Westminster Green Party: pledged. Zack Polanski says: “The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report has demonstrated that one of the biggest changes in society we need is traffic reduction. We can’t just move from one type of vehicle to another – we need to change how we get around our city. Elected Green Party Councillors will always put people and planet above all else with no vested interests or private donors. Everyone deserves streets that are safe – and clean air.”
Our asks
Ask 1: Safer walking. Install a pedestrian phase at all signalised junctions where footfall is high, on every arm of the junction.
Ask 2: Safe cycle routes. By 2026, at least 75% of residents in Westminster will live within 400m of a cycle route that meets the highest standard, to create a network that is safe and inclusive for all.
Ask 3: Streets for people. By 2026, carry out a wide-reaching, representative survey of residents in all of Westminster’s neighbourhoods about motor traffic on their streets. Where a significant proportion want motorised through traffic reduced, carry out a rolling programme to reduce or remove such traffic in those neighbourhoods.
Ask 4: Secure cycle parking. By 2026, there will be sufficient secure and inclusive cycle parking for residents and visitors throughout Westminster and more street trees and parklets.
Ask 5: Shared mobility. By 2026, every resident of Westminster will live within an easy distance of an electric vehicle car club and a shared cycle hub, so that most households do not need to own a car.